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Robens Woodsman Stove and Charger
Posted in Camping Tips & Ideas / Great Deals & Offers on 25th April 2022
These days it can be hard to prize ourselves away from technology, but when in the great outdoors getting away from it all, it’s great to have your phone there for emergencies. If you’re Wild Camping, or out backpacking, don’t let that mobile phone battery drain be a worry. Take along a Robens Woodsman Stove and worry no more!
If you’re planning on taking a stove with you anyway to cook yourself a hot meal while you’re out then why not charge your phone at the same time you’re cooking. The Robens Woodsman Stove and Charger is an ingenious little camping accessory that will do just that.

How Does it work?
The stove is designed to burn wood and twigs that you find whilst you’re out and about on your adventures. There is a little pouch that fixes to the side of the stove that you fill with water. The water heats up as the wood burns and the energy from the heat is transferred to 5 volts. There is a USB output attached to it. Simply plug in your phone and watch it charge whilst you heat up your soup!
The Woodsman is extremely lightweight and weighs in at only 746 grams. It comes flat packed which makes it extremely compact to stick in your rucksack. It only takes a minute to put together and is extremely straightforward to use, both in terms of cooking with, and charging your phone..

Take a look at our video below for a closer look at this awesome product
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