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Use Camping Equipment For Xmas Guests
Posted in Camping Tips & Ideas / How To on 29th November 2017
It’s Chriiiiiiiiisssssstttttttmmmaaaaaaaaaasss! Noddy Screams out of the radio……….which means only one thing….soon your house will soon be full of loved ones and perhaps a few strangers waiting to eat you out of house and home. Believe it or not, some of the stress can easily be relieved with a few choice purchases of camping equipment which will make the whole holiday season float by a little easier.
Extra bodies in the house can be a headache when you haven’t got enough furniture to sit them all around. Camping Tables are perfect as a temporary solution
The table and chairs pictured below is a great solution as the 4 stools fold up and fit inside the table, so once the wrapping paper has been cleared up and Superman’s been on the tele the whole lot can be packed away nice and compact and put in the garage until your next camping trip. Remember to clean off the gravy stains first though! Perfect as a kids table.
Where are they all going to sleep?? If your spare beds and sofa are full and there’s still a couple of people needing a bed for the night then there’s plenty of options. Whether it’s a folding bed, a nice big luxury airbed or a super comfy self inflating mat, there’s an option that will suit you. Remember to choose one that will most suit your needs next time you’re camping. Click on the photos below to be taken to the relevant section…
Don’t leave it until Christmas morning to realise that you’ve only got 6 dining room chairs an old stool and a garden chair with a missing leg to go between 10 people. Grab yourself a couple of camping chairs to sit your guests on, they’ll get used again!

Camping Chairs
“The Fridge is Full” There’s beers poking out of the salad drawer and mini sausages on sticks in the egg tray…..you need more space! A coolbox or camping fridge can get you out of a seasonal pickle and make sure there’s a cold beer on hand and the leftover Turkey stays fresh for a few more days.
Check out the World of Camping Video below for info on the every popular Mobicool U32 Thermoelectric Coolbox.