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Top Tips for Camping in Hot Weather
Posted in Blogs on 20th June 2023
Summer is one of the best times of year to go camping – which is probably why Brits enjoyed 16 million camping trips during the summer holidays in 2022.
There’s no doubt the weather can make or break a holiday in the great outdoors, but while most people hope for sunshine, can it ever be too hot for a holiday under canvas?

The answer is probably no, as we all have our own comfort levels. Some people think anything above 25°C is too hot to be outdoors, while others are still soaking up the sun in a 35-degree heatwave. In general, most people say they feel “comfortably warm” at around the 20°C mark.
Risks of camping in hot weather
Camping in hot weather isn’t without its risks, so it’s important to take steps to stay comfortable if you’re planning a holiday.
Camping during a heat wave can potentially cause dehydration if you don’t drink enough water or other non-alcoholic beverages. Also, there’s a risk of sun stroke if you spend too much time lying in the sun in the heat of the day without a hat.
Don’t risk getting sunburned by exposing too much bare skin and always wear sunscreen to protect yourself from harmful UV rays.
Preparation is the key to a successful trip, and it can make or break your holiday – you need to pack the right equipment and accessories.
Camping fan
Buy a quality camping fan to keep you cool day and night.
A small battery-powered fan can be hung from your tent’s ceiling while you sleep. Plug in a larger fan if you have an electric hook-up or choose a solar-powered or USB alternative for convenience.
You can go for a tent fan that’s also a lantern. Attach it to the roof of your tent to circulate cool air, while providing extra light at night.
Cooler/cool box
Take plenty of bottled water to avoid dehydration and store your drinks in a cooler/cool box, as there’s nothing worse than sipping lukewarm soft drinks.
While drinking an ice-cold beer might seem tempting, alcohol can dehydrate you quicker than the sun. As boring as it might sound, you are better sticking to cold water.
Camp in the shade
Pitch your tent in the shade to avoid the hot sun beating down on it all day and turning it into a mini sauna. It may provide a refuge from the sun at its peak at around midday if you’re pitched in a shaded area.
If your tent is in the shade, with a fan operating and a cool box full of cold bottled water, this can be the difference between getting dehydrated, or enjoying your camping holiday to the full.
Disassemble your tent
Another option is to take down your tent during the day. World of Camping stocks many easy-to-assemble/disassemble tents that can be erected in the evening, when the air is cooler. This will avoid your tent being heated by the sun for ten hours a day.
Enjoy yourself to the max
Camping provides a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. If you follow our simple guidelines, you should be able to enjoy a much better sleep and reset your body clock. Although too much sun should be avoided at all costs, time spent in the great outdoors increases your exposure to vitamin D, which is crucial to good health.
Tent time is so much fun and it helps create so many happy memories with loved ones. What’s not to like?